Friday, April 13, 2012

Humbled & Honored

I just spent some time reading through the honor roll on my fundraising website and I am humbled and honored.  Humbled by the outpouring of support from friends and family, with more than $2100 in donations coming in since Monday.  Honored to be able to run in honor of, in memory of, and in support of the loved ones of those same friends and family. In addition to doing this for my Dad, I am also running Monday for the following people:

In memory of:
Frank Luz
Suzan Doyle
Irene Carlota Angara-Aragon
In support of:
Kim R’s friend Holly
Sarah L’s sister Laura
In honor of
Richard H’s Father

I will also run Monday in memory of both Sue Williamson and Jim Ponce. Sue  was the coordinator of my Masters program at the Kennedy School of Government who I ran for in 2007.  Jim is my friend Jamie's father, who I ran for in 2008.

I take this outpouring of energy and positive thoughts with me as I make my way to Boston tomorrow.  I spent part of today getting my race jersey ready.  I found out by accident the power of writing your name and/or cause on your shirt during my very first marathon in 1993.  I ran in my high school track shirt, and everyone cheered me on by my high school name, "Go Shawnee!"  Ever since I have had "Murph" written on every marathon jersey.  It makes a huge difference when you are hurting during the last few miles of the race.  You here someone call your name, and it helps you dig a little deeper and keep moving.  So if you are ever on the cheering side of any race, and you see someone's name or cause on their shirt, call it out loud and cheer them on. It will make their day.  This year I have "Murph 4 Dad" on my jersey front and back.

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